อ. ดร.อดิสร ไชยบาง |
สถานที่ติดต่อ | ห้อง SC2-303 คณะศิลปศาสตร์และวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตกำแพงแสน อ. กำแพงแสน จ. นครปฐม 73140 |
เบอร์โทรติดต่อ | 0 34 351 895, 0 3428 1105-6 ต่อ 7679 | |
เบอร์แฟกซ์ | 0-3428-1057 | |
chaibang@gmail.com |
- ScB. in Biology. Brown University, Providence, RI USA
- PhD. in Plant Biology. Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Molecular biology
- Protein purification
- Plant biology
- Transgenic plants
- Bioproducts
- Biofuel
- Protein purification technology
- Biotechnology
- Plant physiology
- Value-added products from plants
Laydon A.R, AChaibang and M. Johnson 2014. Interactions between pollen tube and pistil control pollen tube identity and sperm release in the Arabidopsis female gametophyte. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 42: 340-345.
Schmidt M, A.M. Schwartzberg, A. Carroll, A. Chaibang, P.D. Adams, and P.J.Schuck. 2010. Raman imaging of cell wall polymers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 395: 521–523.
ผลงานทางวิชาการอื่น ๆ
Chaibang A, Sorek H, Wemmer D, Somerville CR. Probing The Roles of Laccase in Cell Wall Lignification with Whole Cell Wall NMR spectroscopy. PMB Departmental Retreat, Berkeley, CA (September 2012)
Chaibang A, and Somerville CR. Roles of Laccases in Cell Wall Lignification. PMB Departmental Retreat, Berkeley, CA (September 2011)
Frank AC, von Besser K, Wong JL, Chaibang A, Heyward K, Preuss D, and Johnson MA. Arabidopsis HAP2 (GCS1) is sperm-specific, required for pollen tube guidance, and essential for fertilization. American Society of Plant Biology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL (July 2007)
Chaibang A, and Johnson MA. Are pollen tube guidance signals species specific? American Society of Plant Biology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL (July 2007)
Roles of Laccases in Cell Wall Lignification. JBEI-EBI cell wall meeting. Joint- BioEnergy Institute, Emeryville, CA (January 2013)
Using Whole Cell Wall 2D NMR to Investigate the Roles of Laccases in Cell Wall Lignification. Department of Plant&Microbial Biology Student/Postdoc Seminar. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (April 2012)
Laccase: Key to Recalcitrant Cell Walls? Energy Biosciences Institute Joint Seminar, Berkeley, CA (May 2011)
Chaibang A. (2014) Analysis of Roles of Laccases in Lignin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PhD Dissertation, UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA